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Catalogue No: 825646289448

  • Changes
  • Oh! You Pretty Things/Eight Line Poem
  • Life On Mars?
  • Kooks
  • Quicksand
  • Fill Your Heart/Andy Warhol
  • Song For Bob Dylan
  • Queen Bitch
  • The Bewlay Brothers

It seems hard to believe, given the career full of revolutionary and hugely influential stylistic shifts that followed, that this superb record was only David Bowie's fourth. Yet 'Hunky Dory' ranks alongside 'Ziggy Stardust', 'Low', and 'Scary Monsters' as one of Bowie's finest and most consistent albums. Ironically, it is one of the artist's least rock-oriented efforts, bearing little relation to what came before or after in his discography. Instead, 'Hunky Dory' covers a wide range of styles from operatic pop ('Life on Mars?') to low-key folk ('Quicksand') to English music hall ditties ('Kooks').

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