Destroys The Invaders...
Released the same year he was working with Black Uhuru and fellow dub producer Scientist, Prince Jammy's 1982 effort Destroy thy borrows Scientist's love of space noises and quirky, themed albums — in particular, 'Scientist meets the Space Invaders'. Plenty of laser beams are added to Jammy's usual minimal dub. If Scientist tried to freak out his audience with alien sounds and dark forces from beyond Jammy prefers capturing the vastness and mysteriousness of space by remaining stretched-out and restrained. recorder at King Tubby's legendary studio Channel One.
- Conspiracy On Neptune
- Martian Encounter
- Saturn Bombardment
- Attack On Ganymede
- War In The Asteroid Belt
- The Great Red Spot
- Life On Uranus
- Final Destruction
Released the same year he was working with Black Uhuru and fellow dub producer Scientist, Prince Jammy's 1982 effort Destroy thy borrows Scientist's love of space noises and quirky, themed albums — in particular, 'Scientist meets the Space Invaders'. Plenty of laser beams are added to Jammy's usual minimal dub. If Scientist tried to freak out his audience with alien sounds and dark forces from beyond Jammy prefers capturing the vastness and mysteriousness of space by remaining stretched-out and restrained. recorder at King Tubby's legendary studio Channel One.
- Conspiracy On Neptune
- Martian Encounter
- Saturn Bombardment
- Attack On Ganymede
- War In The Asteroid Belt
- The Great Red Spot
- Life On Uranus
- Final Destruction