Catalogue No: JMLP 2-101
Original 1974 Swedish pressing in near-mint condition.
The efforts during recent years to produce ”new sounds” in jazz have resulted in many rather strained and unmusical recordings, the reason probably being that some composers
and arrangers have tried too hard to be original without really having anything creative to offer. What really has had any importance in “new sounds” has evolved from minds less
concerned about the originality as such than about musical sincerity in exploring new tone colours in the jazz idiom. The quartet instrumentation that Lars Gullin is using on
these sides has probably never before been used on record but still this fact in itself is unimportant. What is outstanding about this group of baritione-sax, guitar, bass and drums
is not only the delicate sound achieved by the blending of Lars’ smooth-toned horn and Rolf Berg’s relaxed guitar; the inventive writing, the closely integrated team-work of all four
men as well as the warm and intelligent solo contributions make for some very charming jazz chamber-music. By now Lars Gullin has been known for quite some time as one of the top baritone modernists in the world but here he almost surpasses himself in inventiveness, conception and fluent execution. His tone is a thing of real beauty.