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Catalogue No: TB6201C

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  • Geburt = Genesis
  • Reise Durch Ein Brennendes = Journey Through A Burning Brain
  • Kalter Rauch = Cold Smoke
  • Asche Zu Asche = Ashes To Ashes
  • Auferstehung = Resurrection

esoteric recordings release a newly remastered edition of tangerine dream's classic and legendary debut album 'electronic meditation'. recorded in berlin in october 1969, the album featured the first tangerine dream line-up of edgar froese (guitars, organ, tapes, sound effects), klaus schulze (drums, percussion) and conrad schnitzler (cello, violin, typewriter). upon its release in 1970 'electronic meditation' and tracks such as 'journey through a burning brain' would define a genre of music and herald the massive creative musical explosion that would emerge in germany in the early seventies. this esoteric reactive edition is newly remastered, fully restores the original album artwork and includes a lavishly illustrated booklet with new essay.

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