Catalogue No:
Sonny Rollins (Peckham, 1965)
Sonny’s gig took space on the 17th January 1965. It’s pretty safe to say that this Peckham exclusive was an additional South of the River gig to his Ronnie Scott’s appearance the following night. It’s also testament to the prodigious reputation the venue’s jazz sessions had built. It wasn’t unusual for big visiting Jazz names from the States to do their West End gigs, and then make their way South for an extra session at the Walmer. It was also a venue home for the cream of British Jazz players. Tubby Hayes, widely considered the best Jazz Saxophonist the UK has ever produced, was a regular, along with other British luminaires such as Joe Harriot and Ronnie Scott.
Rollins’ was joined by the classic line-up of Stan Tracey (Piano), Rick Laird (Double Bass) and Ronnie Stephenson (drums.) Drawing the logical conclusion that the playlist would have been similar to Ronnie Scott’s date, it doesn’t appear as if Rollin’s was in the market to promote product. ‘There’s a Small Hotel’ had a appeared on a budget LP five years previously, ‘Prelude To A Kiss’ wouldn’t be actually recorded until 30 years after the gig, on the ‘Old Flames’ album in 1993. Only ‘Tenor Madness,’ the title track from his 1956 prestige LP, would have seemed to be classic Rollin’s familiar to the crowd.
Sonny has just finished a stint recording with RCA, a major not known for the empathetic artist understanding. In same year he recorded his next album with Impulse, a label famed for jazz experimentation, after which his next recording, his Soundtrack to the classic Brit-flick ‘Aflie’ became a huge seller, bringing him an audience way beyond that of Modern Jazz devotees.
The Walmer Castle
Granted a license for the ‘Consumption of intoxicating liquors’ on the premises on the 27th March 1875, by all account the pub had a very respectable reputation. In its “Saloon Bar” suitably dressed customers sat in leather padded armchairs amongst potted palms. Unaccompanied ladies, men wearing caps, or those who were without ties, would not be served at the bar but asked to leave.
Missing by Luftwaffe’s bombs during the Second World War, During the 50’s and 60’s, the music policy oscillated around Jazz, Jazz Beat’s George Ellis describing it as a beer ‘n’ bop venue. The music policy seemed to have shifted away from a particular Jazz focus from the late 70’s onwards. There is unconfirmed reports that The Jesus and Marychain playing an early gig there, as well as Oi bands such as Combat 84 and the 4 Skins, and a regular Mod Revival night every Thursday, where Mods had to run the gauntlet of aggressive Old Kent Road Soulboys on the way home.
Run during the 1980's by Chris Finnegan, an ex- British Olympic boxing champion, Walmer’s respectable reputation seemed to ebbing away. The pub was taken over in 2002 and re-named Pharaohs. In the same year a double shooting incident occurred on the premises and there were recurring rumours of criminal activity attached to the pub. A fire was the final straw, and in 2008 rebuilding began which would convert the Walmer into flats. But before the job was completed, a fire in Jan 2009 caused havoc once again - reflecting a spot which appeared to become perpetually cursed. Currently people will recognize the venue by its Princess Leia mural.
Peckham Soul Prints
Designed by Craig Jamieson, these prints explore the unique diversity of South London’s cultural and social history. Drawing on archive research, they often draw on original listing material to re-imagine poster and graphic artwork not actually designed at the time, creating completely original artwork, as well as uncovering original contemporaneous prints.
All designs are silk screen lithographic printed and use 100% recycled and sustainable paper.