Second effort Mirage, follows a mere year after its predecessor, sees the band sculpting sprawling, hypnotic jams into elegant nocturnal serenades. Mirage sees the band taking a chic tradition of avant-pop that extends all the way from Serge Gainsbourg and Françoise Hardy to Broadcast and Saint Etienne, and warping it mercilessly to their own darker ends.
- The State (I'm In)
- Sister Green Eyes
- In Madrid
- Rainbow Lollipop
- Endless Ocean
- Looking For You
- Rushing Through My Mind
- Circular Motion
- Where I'm Going
- Imagine You
Second effort Mirage, follows a mere year after its predecessor, sees the band sculpting sprawling, hypnotic jams into elegant nocturnal serenades. Mirage sees the band taking a chic tradition of avant-pop that extends all the way from Serge Gainsbourg and Françoise Hardy to Broadcast and Saint Etienne, and warping it mercilessly to their own darker ends.
- The State (I'm In)
- Sister Green Eyes
- In Madrid
- Rainbow Lollipop
- Endless Ocean
- Looking For You
- Rushing Through My Mind
- Circular Motion
- Where I'm Going
- Imagine You