Catalogue No: XSTUMM287
Liars was recorded on the heels of 2006's Drum's not Dead somewhere between LA and Berlin. Liars' fourth album marks another bold transition for Angus Andrew, Aaron Hemphill and Julian Gross. For the new album Liars have foregone theory for a more practical approach, one based on traditional song structures and instrument usage. It roars from the Stooges style throb of 'Plaster Casts of Everything' to the tribal chant drumathon that is 'Clear Island'. It then takes a Beck like funk detour into 'Houseclouds' before climbing into the anthemic garage rant of 'Cycle Time'. If you took Drums not Dead and mixed it up with They Threw us all in a Trench... you might come out with this.
Limited Edition pressed on coloured recycled wax