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Bella Union

Catalogue No: BELLAV800HZN

  • A Perfect Miracle
  • I'm Your Man
  • Here It Comes (The Road) Let's Go
  • Let's Dance
  • On The Sunshine
  • Damaged
  • The Morning After
  • The Prize
  • Sail On Through

And Nothing Hurt - Spiritualized's eighth album, the follow up to 2012's Sweet Heart, Sweet Light. From the opening lullaby of A Perfect Miracle through to the fading Morse Code at the close of Sail on Through, it painstakingly wraps layer upon layer of gloriously transcendent sound together to create a mesmerizing and cinematic collection of songs. There are points - the thunderous climax of On the Sunshine; the spectral waltz of The Prize; the towering guitar solo on I'm Your Man - where the waves of blissful noise are almost overwhelming, where one can imagine the studio's speakers vibrating themselves off of the walls. Which is an incredible feat when you discover that the album was conceived and recorded almost entirely by one man - Jason Pierce, AKA J.Spaceman - in an upstairs room in his east London home. For the listener, the nine tracks on And Nothing Hurt effortlessly replicate the scale and power of Spiritualized's previous releases, whether it's the sonic blowback of On the Sunshine, the last dime in the jukebox love letter of Let's Dance or the swell of an imaginary orchestra that seems to lift Damaged towards the heavens as it plays out.

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