Johnny Clark, King Tubby & Delroy Wilson (1979)
A very difficult print to source, but Peckham Soul bring you a very limited run of this 'Boucing Ball' listing print from 1978. A celebrated Peckham insititution in it's day - although mosty unknown outside of the Reggae fraternity and West Inidian community, it demomstrates how Peckham has always been at the for front of showcasing diveristy and orginality within music.
A very difficult print to source, but Peckham Soul bring you a very limited run of this 'Boucing Ball' listing print from 1978. A celebrated Peckham insititution in it's day - although mosty unknown outside of the Reggae fraternity and West Inidian community, it demomstrates how Peckham has always been at the for front of showcasing diveristy and orginality within music.